Expert advice to optimise your maintenance.

Our advice on a range of maintenance management topics, including planning and scheduling, preventive maintenance, and best practice maintenance systems.

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8 elements for successful performance measurement

Let's discuss the essential elements for a successful performance measurement system, and how to motivate your organisation towards higher performance.

Big data, predictive analytics and maintenance

How are big data, the internet of things, predictive technologies and predictive analytics impacting on preventive and predictive maintenance activities?

4 tips for maintenance productivity improvement

In this short video we give 4 practical tips that can help you to improve the productivity of your maintenance function.

5 tips for a better asset register

Your asset register is the foundation on which your asset management information systems are built. Here are 5 tips to make sure yours is rock solid.

How to prioritise maintenance work orders

Almost every Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) contains a field where you can set the work order priority, but few define how it is to be used.

Are your KPIs supporting your processes, or just measuring...

Usually KPIs focus on the outcomes of our processes, but if we aim to manage processes for more predictive outcomes, we need to develop KPIs that support them.

Getting the most value from your CMMS

There is no perfect off-the-shelf CMMS. Let's discuss how you can tailor your business processes to match your information system workflow, and vice versa.

Coordinating activity between Maintenance and Supply – A Case...

This case study by Sandy Dunn will present the approach that was taken and the key lessons learned that will assist any organisation in a similar situation.

Planning and scheduling: getting the basics right

How do we ensure that planning and scheduling department processes are performed effectively? By understanding the function and boundaries of the two processes.

Common traits of organisations that deliver effective maintenance

Organisations that get results from their maintenance strategies understand that no two operations are the same. OEM recommendations offer a fair starting point for how our assets should be...

Breaking the cycle of reactive maintenance

When you are in the reactive maintenance "death spiral", it takes a major change of approach to break out of it - not just fixing the symptoms of bigger...

Shutdown planning: are you setting up to fail?

How many times have you heard maintenance staff blame the planners? Let's discuss how to avoid common shutdown planning issues, to help your teams cooperate.

Overcoming the challenges of a reluctant maintenance culture

It can be necessary to change the management culture, in order to improve maintenance processes and save money and increase reliability in the long run.

Finding cost-effective solutions to supply management problems

Using past experience as a case study, let's take a look at how supply, warehousing and stock control can be improved from a shop-floor perspective.

What is the 5 whys technique?

The 5 Whys technique offers a simple, effective way to uncover the root of an issue. It is best used in troubleshooting and quality-improvement initiatives.

The value of work management systems

Due to my background in maintenance execution, I have had to deal with the pointy end of maintenance for more years than I care to mention. I have done...

What does a maintenance supervisor do?

Every company has a different idea of what a mechanical supervisor is responsible for, but there is still a core focus that should apply to anyone in the role.

5 quick tips for an effective CMMS

Your computerised maintenance management system may be the right fit for your organisation, but it can only be as good as your end users and their training.

The consequences of poor maintenance planning and scheduling

Proper maintenance planning and scheduling is key in keeping component wear-out manageable and predictable. Let's explore what can go wrong if we ignore it.

How important is management of change?

Let's discuss the issues that can be caused when a management of change procedure is not followed (or in this case, does not exist).

Best Practice Maintenance Assessment for a Large Port Operator

Based on our best practice maintenance assessment, we assessed the maturity of the client’s maintenance management systems and practices.

Asset and Maintenance Management Improvement Program for a Large...

We improved performance of mining and processing operations to support business objectives through an in-depth asset and maintenance management review.

We optimised our preventive maintenance without realising it

Review your preventive maintenance tasks. Commission a PMO process for your plant and equipment. You may be surprised at how much maintenance you don’t need to be doing.

Planning pitfalls – industry lessons learned in maintenance planning...

Let's explore the planning process and five of the common improvement opportunities we commonly observe, from supply relations to stakeholders.

Scheduling pitfalls – industry lessons learned in maintenance planning...

Understanding common pitfalls can make your job as a scheduler more productive, and help your organisation to reduce costs and be more effective.

“The big picture” – industry lessons learned in maintenance...

Let's explore some of the “big picture” systemic challenges associated with the overall maintenance planning and scheduling process.

Maintenance planning and scheduling: an overview

This video provides an introduction to best practice frameworks for planning, scheduling and delivering safe, efficient and effective maintenance.

How to measure maintenance productivity

If you can't measure something, then you can't improve it. If that is the case, then how can we measure the productivity of our maintenance managers?

How to continuously improve your planning and scheduling

Regardless of how good your maintenance planning and scheduling is, if you want to make it more efficient and effective, you will need to continuously improve.

How to write a good work instruction

Have you ever thought about what makes a good work instruction, or how good work instructions improve work effectiveness?

Coaching: the secret to maintenance planning and scheduling implementation

Organisations spend thousands of dollars a year on maintenance planning and scheduling training, but does training ensure good application?

Maintenance budgeting: overcoming real world challenges

Ever had trouble justifying your maintenance budget to your accountants? Is it difficult to explain why it's better not to know when maintenance will occur?

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