Understand your maintenance performance potential.

Frequently, the starting point of a maintenance improvement journey is to obtain a clear understanding of the level of maintenance management maturity and performance that currently exists. Maintenance maturity assessments, when repeated using a consistent framework, also are valuable in tracking improvements and progress towards your desired goal.

How we can support you

We have developed a comprehensive maintenance maturity assessment methodology, and have applied it to over 80 different organisations. The methodology assesses maintenance practices along five main dimensions:

  • Strategy,
  • Organisation structure,
  • People and skills,
  • Management processes, and
  • Technology

The underlying philosophy behind the approach is that these five dimensions are the ‘levers of change’ – the aspects of maintenance that management can modify to bring about improvement in maintenance performance. These five dimensions are then further broken down into 300 individual assessment elements in 24 sub-areas that are assessed individually, and grouped appropriately, to provide an overall assessment.

Scores are assigned to each of these assessment elements using information typically obtained from the following sources:

  • Interviews with a wide range of personnel within the maintenance organisation, including any applicable contractors.
  • Interviews with supply and production representatives to understand the interfaces and interactions between each of these departments and the maintenance organisation.
  • Observation of tasks being performed, e.g. extraction of data from a CMMS
  • Attendance and observation of the conduct of various daily, weekly and monthly meetings. 
  • Examination of documentation used and generated by the organisation including, but limited to:
    • Policy documents 
    • Strategy documents 
    • Plans – short and long term 
    • Procedures and instructions 
    • Organisation chart 
    • Position descriptions 
    • Regular weekly and monthly reports 
    • Shutdown plans and reports 
    • Other reports

We can help you to meet your maintenance goals.

We would love to have the opportunity to understand the challenges that you are facing and help you to achieve your goals.

An obligation-free discussion with one of our consultants is a great place to start, and you may even receive some tips or advice that you can take back to your workplace and implement straight away.

Ready to begin your journey towards improved maintenance?

We can support you in improving your maintenance practices. To find out more about our capabilities with regards to maintenance management, feel free to view the case studies above, or contact us for an obligation-free discussion.

Our maintenance management training courses

Do you need to expand the maintenance management capabilities of your team? Our training courses are run throughout Australia and online, and offer a comprehensive, practical overview of maintenance best practices.

Our maintenance management articles

8 elements for successful performance measurement

Let’s discuss the essential elements for a successful performance measurement system, and how to motivate your organisation towards higher performance.

Big data, predictive analytics and maintenance

How are big data, the internet of things, predictive technologies and predictive analytics impacting on preventive and predictive maintenance activities?

4 tips for maintenance productivity improvement

In this short video we give 4 practical tips that can help you to improve the productivity of your maintenance function.

5 tips for a better asset register

Your asset register is the foundation on which your asset management information systems are built. Here are 5 tips to make sure yours is rock solid.

How to prioritise maintenance work orders

Almost every Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS) contains a field where you can set the work order priority, but few define how it is to be used.

Are your KPIs supporting your processes, or just measuring…

Usually KPIs focus on the outcomes of our processes, but if we aim to manage processes for more predictive outcomes, we need to develop KPIs that support them.

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