Explore the pathway to improved capability.

For any asset management, maintenance or reliability initiative to be properly implemented, those doing the work must be well supported. These articles explore some considerations when seeking to upskill your team. For more articles, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

Are organisations still struggling with competency frameworks?

Even with access to extensive resources on the requirements of an effective asset management competence framework, businesses still seem to struggle to sustain capability.

Are your KPIs supporting your processes, or just measuring...

Usually KPIs focus on the outcomes of our processes, but if we aim to manage processes for more predictive outcomes, we need to develop KPIs that support them.

How to align reward systems with strategic goals: Moving...

Want to encourage change within your organisation? Here are some tips to build a successful environment and answer the question: "what's in it for me?"

How to improve cross-functional collaboration: Moving from a repair-focused...

As organisations move into the planned maintenance environment, the nature of the relationship between production and maintenance changes.

How to create opportunities for teamwork and learning: Moving...

There is little point in having a strategic vision unless you actually allow your people to learn and apply their new skills.

How important is management of change?

Let's discuss the issues that can be caused when a management of change procedure is not followed (or in this case, does not exist).

Great feedback for Perth training: “Excellent presentation and knowledge.”

Participants scored the course highly, based on the instructor's presentation skill, their ability to engage with them, and knowledge of the subject matter.

Asset Management Training for Hydro Tasmania

Following an ISO 55001 gap assessment, Hydro Tasmania wished to increase their competency of ISO 55000 and asset management among key stakeholders.

Coaching: the secret to maintenance planning and scheduling implementation

Organisations spend thousands of dollars a year on maintenance planning and scheduling training, but does training ensure good application?

Maintenance supervisors: driving safety, effectiveness & efficiency

Maintenance supervisors are key players in the safe and efficient execution of maintenance, but we see shortfalls in their performance in many organisations.

5 tips to get the most from your maintenance...

Most of the billions of dollars that asset-intensive industries pour into training each year is simply wasted. Here are 5 ways to avoid common failures.

Capital Work Management Training for Horizon Power

Horizon Power chose us to work with both Mincom and internal staff to develop and deliver Capital Work Management training to key personnel.

Making the most of your consultant’s time

These tips will help you to make the most of your consultant’s time, to achieve the desired assignment outcomes. After all, time is money.

Choosing your team: build, buy or hire?

Is it better to develop the skills within your organisation, hire personnel who can fill these roles, or use an external consultant?

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