Our team regularly enjoys a ‘Community Day’ where they have the opportunity to help make a positive contribution to the community.
The most recent Community Day, held on Friday 10th of October 2014, was dedicated to Mission Australia’s Youth Beat Service where the team put together His and Hers Care Packs as well as a number of Christmas hampers to provide some basic essentials for those in need.
Youth Beat is an outreach and case management service for young people who are 19 and younger that are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Perth CBD and metropolitan areas. They provide mobile outreach and support through food, clothes, swags, education and referrals. As well as long term case management focusing on longer term goals such as accommodation, employment, reconnection with families and education. Youthbeat has drop in times of 12-2pm daily where young people can shower, have access to internet, clothes food and a worker to support them in whatever they may need. They also provide Cert 1,2 and 3 in general education and a food literacy program, as well as financial counselling services each week.
It was a wonderful day for everyone involved. Check out a photo collage of the day below.